Taking a break from the cold to do some internet surfing and check out what ideas are online for this vintage restoration. Not a whole lot on RV renovations but found retrorenovation.com. Am thinking we are going to do clean and fresh but a little funky. I want to give a nod to the past without being in the middle of an orange or avocado mess!
The color pallete so far includes a beautiful dark green, not olive but not forest either, a deep rich orange red, tan and a rich gold color. A trip to SR Harris (fabric wholesaler) is in the works this week to find the fabrics, that will determine alot.
I think we are going to paint the back bathroom in its entirety in a super pale green to freshen it up and get rid of just some of the brown. Plus that will make the vintage viynette pop on the sink. I am trying to treat the lounge/bedroom seperately than the dinette area but still make it cohesive.
There are some super cool sites out there on unique wall treatments. Check out this site http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/la/look/top-10-affordable-wall-treatments-048136. In addition to the color, all of the grains in this rig go in different directions so your eye never rests on any one place. I have't ruled anything out yet. Tossing around fabric shirring on the walls in the bedroom, vintage vinyl graphics, modgepodge of sepia newspapers..yikes! Even thought about cutting out the middle of the uppercabs and putting in decorative metal.
Pop up your ideas or fav. websites to help the process! Would love any and all ideas!